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Writer's picturePaul Lewis

Late night trips into the garden confirming chickens have been put away, always ends with a quick dash into the greenhouse to smell the night scented G tristis. It flowers in the garden too, but the scent is too easily dispersed. I have potfuls in full flower and the flowers seem to last longer than the summer flowering Glads, but it could be the lack of heat that the summer Glads encounter.

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Writer's picturePaul Lewis

Gladioli liliaceus, another Spring flowering Winter growing species. It's kept in an unheated greenhouse and seems to have done rather well. Thin wispy foliage like G tristis, as usual pollen from my Summer flowering has already been put to it.

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Writer's picturePaul Lewis

The first batch of over a hundred pots have been sown in litre pots this weekend. The seeds are mostly my Glads crossed with the pollen from Gladioli Tristis, but lots from Toffolo and Bizzaro as well. These will be placed in my unheated greenhouse until the first shoots appear. Only covered if there is a chance of frost.

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